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Friday Night at the Coop - Who's Planning to be There

Friday evening, Sept. 30, 6:00pm.

200 E. Campbell Ave. Corner of Campbell Ave and 2nd street.

We’ve invited Del Mar and Camden. Later that evening, following the Coop get-together, Del Mar has invited us to join their gathering at Original Joe’s, 301 S. First St. in San Jose.
(Please Email if you want to update your attendance information)

From Campbell
(NOTE: Most spouses/friends not listed here. The following classmates indicated through this form, online or mailed, that they will attend.)

Kay (Acken) Dawson
Bud & Pat Alford
Bob Armstrong
Jean Aspen
Patrcia (Baumgardner) Bennett
Carol (Borghini) Hortin
Joanne (Canright) Bergen
Susan (Burton) Erlandson
Margaret (Close) & Martin Falkowski
Frank Corsello
Mike DeVita
Dave Diffenderfer
Ken Foster
Dan Furtado
Judy (Garcia) & Bob Munger
Susan (Garth) Ward
Pam Gifford
Lynne Geddes
Frank Gonthier
Ferne (Gulle)y Rea
Gary Hart
Georgia (Adamson) Hartman
Dwaine Katai
Yvonne (Jacobsson) Katter
Dennis McLaren
Roger Miller
Dan Montgomery
Craig Morton
Ron Nelson
Phil Neuhahr
Tim Noble
Ron Oburn
Joe Orlando
Dave Paul
Don Perkins
Bill Pollacek
Marlene (Peterson) Caracalas
Russell Powell
Jim Ramsay
Mary (Rodrigues) Cordova
Peggy (Ray) Smith
Judy (Remley) Bartels
Elizabeth (Rice) Rettke
Sherri (Ritsch) Wnuk
Ellen (Roberts) Young
Kay (Rowe) Weaver
Carol (Sayler) Sheets
Jack Schraub
Jim Shanteau
John Short
Robert Taylor
Jeannie (vanRossem) Ware
Leroy Ward
Katherine (Wood) Gray
Ken Wood

From Del Mar
Allen, Shirley Clark and Mary Clark
Buttke, Colleen & Robert Newtson
Eckhardt, Marilyn Valenzuela
Gallagher Terry & John Giannetto
Gans, Bob and Karyn Gans
Harrison, Roger & JoAnn
Holland, Bill
Katai, Dwaine Seiji
Keeler, Carolyn Garrison & Tom Keel
Leon, Ray
Lighthall, Sandy
Long, Carolyn & Robert Pacini
Marron, Charlene Henley
Neff, Stan and Marian Neff
Rediker, Dennis
Rios, Ron & Marilyn Rios
Shaffer, Wayne
Stephens, Lloyd
Thompson, Patricia Vitola
Troia, Stan and Bobbi Troia
Valenzuela, Poncho
Walker, Colleen Bickman
Westphal, Sharon Bronzan
Wood, Charles
